
Monday, August 4, 2014

Dear God Note 1

I am starting to write some Dear God Notes.  Sometimes, if I put things in writing, it helps me to clarify what I am thinking, and how I need to pray.

Last week, I saw a post on Facebook that said "Dear God, Your Will Your Way".  I believe that, but if you follow me you know that we have had a pretty busy year.  Some of it has been extremely difficult, Charly lost her baby and my father passed away.  Some has been great, Danny got engaged and married.  The future is definitely changing,  my sweet husband is starting to retire, and we will be selling our home and moving to a Florida.  So a lot of things have happened and more things are changing.  

I was speaking to a friend last week, and when I repeated the saying, she added, but can you be gentle God.  Which, is what I had been thinking, because sometimes I feel overwhelmed with everything that happens in life.  I know God doesn't give us more then we can handle, but please God be gentle.

So I decided that I was going to start a new series on Mondays.  They will be Dear God Notes.  I am going to write a new note to God every week.

I hope that you like them.  I really just want to start putting some of my prayers in writing.

Have a blessed week.


  1. 'Sending you a hug! ((Debi)) -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. I love this idea! Very Inspiring! I would love to have you link it up to my Feature Friday Link Palooza!
    Danielle @ Blissful & Domestic
    Creating Beautiful on Less

    1. Hi Danielle,
      Thanks so much. I'll be at your party. Thanks for the invite.

  3. So sorry for the loss of your father and Charly's baby. I was wondering what happened when I didn't see any news on the baby arriving. That is so hard! I like your Dear God notes idea....Sometimes writing them down somehow makes them more valid. Will be following your notes and sending hugs your way for you and your family.

    1. Hi Ann Marie,
      It has been kind of a tough winter. Thanks so much for thinking of us.
      We really appreciate it.

  4. Yes, Lord, please be gentle with my friend, Debi. With so many changes ahead, please give her a calm spirit and smooth transitions ahead, provide your strength in every trial, and expand her faith in You through everything you bring into her life..

    1. Hi Kim,
      Thanks so much. I appreciate your prayers and friendship.
      Have a great week.

  5. Sending hugs your way! :)

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  6. What a great idea! I hope that God is gentle with you :)

    1. Hi Lana,
      Thank you so much. I'm so happy that you stopped by.
      Have a great week.


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