
Monday, August 12, 2013

Marriage 5 - Ephesians 5:28

Charly and Ryan were married several weeks ago in our back yard and it was so beautiful.  I read this verse today and it made me think of them.  You can see how much he loves her when he looks at her.  It is a beautiful thing for a mom to see.

So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 

Ephesians 5:28

Jesus loved us so much that he gave his life for us that day on the cross.  My most fervent prayer is that the men in our lives love us the way Christ loved all of us.

Have a blessed day.
Find us at these Great Parties!!!


  1. 'Lovely post! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. What a beautiful verse and how blessed we are when we have husbands that heed it! It is amazing to me how much the picture of your daughter and her new hubby could be my daughter and her husband! They all look so much alike!!

  3. Hi Debi,
    I just sent you an email about the hop - there was a problem with my email over the weekend - so please read the one I just sent you ASAP


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