
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Swiss Chocolate Almond Sundae Recipe

Today I am posting the recipe for Swiss Chocolate Almond Sundae Recipe from my How To Throw A Dinner Party post.

This is a really great and easy recipe, and my husband's favorite sundae.  He grew up in Connecticut and they have ice cream parlors there called Friendly's, and he used to get these there as a kid.  When we go and visit his mom, we hit Friendly's at least two times so that he can get his Swiss Chocolate Almond Sundae fix.  His cousins even bought him some for him to take home for his birthday when we were there in September.

A few years ago I came up with a recipe for Swiss Chocolate Sauce and it is really close to what we get when we eat at Friendly's.  My husband can now get his sundae fix in Denver, and because I am such a good wife, I try to help out as often as possible.

So here is a great recipe for

Swiss Chocolate Almond Sundaes.


Swiss Chocolate Sauce
1 pt chocolate ice cream
1 pt vanilla ice cream
1 pt coffee ice cream
sliced almonds
whipped cream
maraschino cherry


Put one scoop of each ice cream flavor in a bowl or sundae cup.
Put Swiss Chocolate Sauce over the ice cream
Top with almonds, whipped cream, and a cherry.

Swiss Chocolate Sauce

1 jar hot fudge sauce ( heated to make it softer and stirable)
1/2 container marshmallow cream

Mix hot fudge and marshmallow cream together until mixed well.

Now wasn't that easy.  These were so cute at the party.  I served them in mason jars.  I was able to make them the day before, and I put them in the freezer in the mason jars.  I also made 1/2 of them with caramel cone crunch ice cream and 1/2 with the coffee ice cream.  I let everyone put the whipped cream, almonds, and cherries on their sundaes themselves.

This turned out to be a really fun dessert for everyone, and they looked so pretty.  Let me know what you think.  I always love hearing from you.



  1. I live in Palmer, Mass., about 20 minutes from the Friendly's main headquarters. I grew up eating Friendly's sundaes. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate almond chip. Yum!

    1. Hi Judy,
      I'm so happy that you visit me. Chocolate Almond Chip sound delish. I love anything with chocolate and almonds.
      Have a great weekend.

  2. You make the yummiest treats! I love the sauce recipe. Thanks for sharing:)


    1. Hey Katie
      I'm happy you like the recipe. The Swiss Chocolate Sauce is amazing and really easy to make.
      Have a great weekend.

  3. Great recipe Debi. You are a bundle of information!

  4. Hi Debi! Thank you for linking up at Krumble Cakes & Sweets Link-up Party #3: Hop to my blog (Monday). This awesome recipe is being featured on this week's link party. Stop by and grab a button (and don't forget to link again). Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Hi Debbie, Thank you for posting your Swiss Chocolate sauce recipe.. Many, many years ago I had my first Friendly's Swiss almond sundae. I loved the sauce. I was very disappointed that it was removed from the menu. Some years ago it was on the menu as a limited edition special and was off the menu before you knew it. Last week on our way to the Cape we stopped off at a Friendly's and low and behold Swiss chocolate was listed as one of their many toppings- Unfortunately, I didn't try it-but I will definitely make your version of it.. I have seen a few recipes for Swiss chocolate sauce but could tell that the finished product would not be close to the Friendly sauce. My friend and I both concurred that there was some marshmallow in the original sauce. Looking forward to trying your recipe . Thank you, Linda

  6. Hey Linda,
    I would have responded by email, but you're a no reply comment blogger. I actually got the recipe from an employee at Friendly's. The person told us that this is how they make it when they run out. I hope that you like it. Have a great weekend.

  7. I grew up in the Springfield area and even though my dad owned Snow's Dairy Bar, Friendly's Swiss Chocolate Almond Sundae was and still is my favorite. I no longer live up there so every time I'm home I make it a point to have at least a couple of sundaes while there. Showing my age now I remember when they were only 95 cents! Almost had heart failure when I was there a couple of months ago and it was almost $7.

    Anyway I'm glad I just found your recipe gonna make it this weekend, so Thank you!

    1. I'm so happy that I could be of help. We love making these and it is such an easy recipe. Enjoy you sundae.
      Adorned From Above

  8. Thank You I love swiss chocolate !!

  9. What sized containers of hot fudge sauce and marshmallow do you use? Alternately, how many ounces of each? I attended graduate school in Massachusetts and these sundaes were my big treat. I have missed them so much. Thank you!

  10. I worked for Friendly's one summer while in college in the 80's. Swiss chocolate sauce was my favorite topping and I can tell you it was most definitely a blend of hot fudge and marshmallow! I made it myself. 😁

  11. Hi! I grew up in Wallingford CT and loved Friendlys!!! The burgers on toast-yum. My all-time favorite thing is the Swiss Chocolate Almond Sundae- and I have been craving it lately as we now live in TX. Can you please send me the recipe with measurements of hot fudge and marshmallow creme. Thank you!!!❤️

    1. Dottie,
      I use l 12.8 oz container hot fudge sauce and 1 16 oz container marshmallow fluff. It is 2/3 marshmallow fluff to 1/3 hot fudge sauce. I hope this helps.
      Adorned From Above

    2. How do you store it in the refrigerator or store in dark space if not used right away? And how long can it be stored? Thanks in advanced

  12. Hello Debi. You say in the recipe "Swiss Chocolate Sauce: 1 jar hot fudge sauce ... 1/2 container marshmallow cream". So if you used "(a) 12.8 oz container hot fudge sauce and (a) 16 oz container marshmallow fluff", then the amounts are closer to 13 oz of fudge sauce and 8 oz of Fluff, yes? ^L^ Which is close to 3/5 fudge to 2/5 Fluff, I would say.

  13. It can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks at least. I’m sure it can be stored longer, but it doesn’t last that long in my house.


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